Inline Scripts

AlpineJS is recommended for most of your JavaScript needs, but using <script> tags directly inside component is perfectly acceptable.



    document.addEventListener('wire:load', function () {

      // Your JS here.




Each component has a JavaScript object. You can access this object using the special @this directive in your component.

Here's an example.

Assuming you're dispatching and event after performing some updates in a action handler:

public function update(): void {
  // My action code here...

In your component template you can do:




    document.addEventListener('wire:load', function () {

      // Get the value of the "count" property.
      let someValue = @this.count

      // Set the value of the "count" property.
      @this.count = 5

      // Call the increment component action.

      // Run a callback when an event ("notifyUpdatedSuccess")
      // is emitted from this component.
      @this.on('notifyUpdatedSuccess', () => {
        console.log('Successfully updated');





Another example using AlpineJs to display a Success message disappearing in 2.5 seconds.

  x-data="{ open: false }"
          @this.on('notifyUpdatedSuccess', () => {
              if (open === false) setTimeout(() => { open = false }, 2500);
              open = true;
  style="display: none;"
  class="text-green-500 mr-5"


Note: the @this directive compiles to the following string for JavaScript to interpret: "Wire.find([component-id])"

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