Offline State
You might want to notify a user if their internet connection is lost.
WireDrupal provides helpful utilities to perform actions based on a user's "offline" state.
To show an element when the internet connection is lost (offline), use wire:offline
<div wire:offline>
You are offline.
With above, the element will be hidden by default, and shown to the user when the browser goes offline.
Adding the class
modifier allows adding a class to an element when "offline".
<div wire:offline.class="offline"></div>
With above, when the browser goes offline, the element will receive the offline
class. The class will be removed again once the user is back online.
To remove classes, use the .remove
<div wire:offline.class.remove="offline" class="offline"></div>
With above, the offline
class will be removed while offline.
With the attr
modifier, it is possible to add an attribute to an element when "offline".
<button wire:offline.attr="disabled">Submit</button>
With above, when the browser goes offline, the disabled="true"
attribute will be added to the button.
You can also perform the inverse, and remove attributes by adding the .remove